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Name Type Description
priceCategoryId string Ticket Category id
priceCategoryName string Ticket Category name
priceCategoryType string
priceCHF double Price in CHF
compareAtPriceCHF double Price to compare with ('regular price', 'instead-of', 'statt') in CHF
maxAllowedAge integer Price valid until this age (first day of valid period counts)
minAllowedAge integer Price valid from this age
type string If fixed total amount for booked guests will be price of this ticket category. If variable - price will be multiplied by guests count, e.g. if ticket category Adult has fixed price 100 CHF and 5 guests were booked total price will be still 100 CHF. If it had variable price type total price would be 500 CHF
minSeats integer Minimum seats required to book this ticket category
maxSeats integer Maximum seats allowed to book this ticket category.If it is a single seat ticket with one ticket code it should be 1.If it is more than 1 e.g. 5 we assume that no matter how many spots were booked 2 or 5 this ticket will have only 1 ticket code (QR Code, Barcode, etc) which means it is a GROUP ticket
validFrom date-time
validThrough date-time
reduction string