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Partner portal


Releases on the TEST environment


Deployment: 19.09.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11791 Task Add facet searchfilter to partner portal lists Done
11837 Task Show related object on reviews Done
11950 Task Hide Not Found Error Message on create Tag Done
11978 Bug Error resending pp-invitation Testing


Deployment: 12.09.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11931 Task Partner portal: Adjust Tour model Done
11947 Bug Some business services are not shown correctly Done


Deployment: 29.08.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11679 Product Backlog Item Partner Portal improvements Sprint 96 Done
11784 Bug [CS-1062] duplicate objects - click on "ban" nothing happens Done


Deployment: 22.08.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11679 Product Backlog Item Partner Portal improvements Sprint 96 Done


Deployment: 15.08.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11726 Task Open product detail page link is not working Done


Deployment: 08.08.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11641 Product Backlog Item Improve error messages In Review
11654 Task Move Accommodation to LocalBusiness and CivicStructure Done


Deployment: 02.08.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
10609 Product Backlog Item Partner Portal fixes and improvements Sprint 90 +95 Resolved
11498 Bug Improve error message on merge of 2 objects with a declided similar relationship Resolved
11499 Bug HS User needs to have access to "Loginverwaltung" of all hotels Done
11534 Bug Assigning projects to an AdminitrativeArea in the partner portal does not work anymore Resolved
11571 Bug ds_pima user cant request other users Done


Deployment: 25.07.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11564 Bug Referenced party members are not returned in the partner service Done


Deployment: 11.07.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11441 Task Show list of tax entries in the partner portal Done


Deployment: 04.07.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11122 Product Backlog Item Read-only view Partner Portal Done


Deployment: 27.06.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
10750 Product Backlog Item Save the Login / Username in the profile and show in Partner Portal Done
11122 Product Backlog Item Read-only view Partner Portal Done


Deployment: 20.06.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11341 Bug Not all projects are shown on the list remove project modal Done


Deployment: 13.06.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11259 Bug ibex: removing award does not work Done
11280 Bug User can not unpublish/delete HS-images Done


Deployment: 06.06.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
11127 Product Backlog Item CHM add 'award' in Filter in Tour-list Done
11173 Product Backlog Item HS Photo-Tags are shown in Infocenter Done


Deployment: 30.05.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 23.05.2024

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
11152 Bug Partner portal: Add Tag button is not visible Done


Deployment: 16.05.2024

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
10956 Product Backlog Item Partner potal: Remove Translated Data Language property Done


Deployment: 09.05.2024

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
11065 Bug Merged document dropdown issue Done


Deployment: 02.05.2024

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
10788 Product Backlog Item StarRating information infocenter: Add HCL-catalog to display-name Done


Deployment: 28.03.2024

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
10709 Bug Some product details pages are not working Done


Deployment: 21.03.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 14.03.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 06.03.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 22.02.2024

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
10056 Bug Display tour openingHours correctly Done


Deployment: 08.02.2024

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
10045 Product Backlog Item AmenityFeature 'building' change to description-property Done
10044 Product Backlog Item LodgingBusiness: Add column HS hotel-no. in overview and list Done
10062 Product Backlog Item LodgingBusiness-overview: Add Award in filter Done


Deployment: 01.02.2024

ID Work Item Type Title State
10167 Bug Unable to remove project from object Done


Deployment: 13.01.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 04.01.2024

  • General improvements


Deployment: 21.12.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9939 Task Partner portal: adjust star rating view Done
9928 Bug Cannot read properties of undefined on AuditTrail Done


Deployment: 14.12.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9907 Product Backlog Item Display new LocalBusiness properties Done


Deployment: 07.12.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 30.11.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9696 Product Backlog Item Accommodation and LodgingBusiness view improvements Done
9848 Bug An error occurred on some orders detailed view Done
9849 Bug Display Logo on the Overview page in the Partner Portal Done


Deployment: 23.11.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
4751 Bug Planet search does not find "Felsenfest" event Done


Deployment: 16.11.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 10.11.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9727 Bug hcl-Award not visible if Origin-Version hcl selected Done


Deployment: 02.11.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 26.10.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9662 Task Add facet order-by to requests in the partner portal lists Done


Deployment: 12.10.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
8909 Product Backlog Item Accomodation in the Partner Portal Done
9538 Product Backlog Item Allow to change the additionalType in the Partner Portal Done
9553 Product Backlog Item Partner Portal improvements i82 Done


Deployment: 06.10.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9438 Product Backlog Item Adjust star rating displaying Done


Deployment: 17.09.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9492 Task Add resend confirmation mail function Done
9501 Bug Missing assign awards for the lodging business Done
9502 Bug Prevent assigning award which is already assigned Done
9440 Bug Products in marketplace section are different from Infocenter Done
9503 Bug Show resendConfirmation email for canceled orders Done


Deployment: 10.09.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 17.08.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9430 Bug User with the ds_iam role can't invite new users Done


Deployment: 11.08.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9427 Bug Wrong partner's projects in "Projects modal" Done


Deployment: 20.07.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 19.07.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9329 Bug Error when opening a product Done
6929 Bug supTrip Object Request Error Done


Deployment: 29.06.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 22.06.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 25.05.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
9066 Product Backlog Item Find and merge tom with oua lodging businesses duplicates Done
7062 Bug tags are not deleted correctly Done
8638 Bug Unable to remove ds_iam Role from User Done


Deployment: 28.04.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 30.03.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
8807 Product Backlog Item Create a My Profile Section in the Partner Portal Done
8772 Product Backlog Item Make Business Catalog accessible public (Unauthorized) Done
8918 Bug Empty navigation after reloading Done


Deployment: 24.03.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
8893 Bug Add LastSignInDate to the Profile Detail page Done
8889 Bug Business Service tile is missing on the partner portal home screen Done
8890 Bug Disable instead of hide main navigation if partner does not consume service Done
8894 Bug Republish Product after areaServed has changed Done


Deployment: 16.03.2023

  • General improvements


Deployment: 23.02.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
8797 Bug Null exception during project validation Done


Deployment: 17.02.2023

  • General improvements
ID Work Item Type Title State
8611 Product Backlog Item Partner portal: show all properties on Order Done
8771 Bug Business Service group is not translated Done
8773 Bug The partner portal unauthorized help link is not working Done


Deployment: 30.12.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8227 Bug Partner Portal Cancel Passwort change leads to loading errors Done


Deployment: 23.12.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
3083 Product Backlog Item Cancel order in partner portal Done
8556 Product Backlog Item Show Acccessibility in partner portal Done


Deployment: 15.12.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8238 Product Backlog Item Complete Partner Portal views with missing properties Done
8516 Bug Error when expanding order product variants Done
8538 Bug Partner portal: Amenity Features are not displayed correctly Done


Deployment: 01.12.2022

  • General improvements


Deployment: 17.11.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8371 Bug Can't unpublished project if two references are created Done
8394 Bug Tomas Ticket issues in partner portal Done


Deployment: 03.11.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8326 Bug Context actions are not loading Done


Deployment: 31.10.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8166 Product Backlog Item Manually add location of product Done
8210 Product Backlog Item Manually link webcams to SkiResort Done
8126 Product Backlog Item Sorted trees in the partner portal Done
8286 Bug Close button on modal windows with pictures doesn't work Done
7892 Bug Prevent assigning tags to tags and categories in list view Done


Deployment: 20.10.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8084 Bug Google Place ID can't be removed Done
8013 Bug Identity type not set for invited users Done
8198 Bug Wrong translation on delete tag action Done


Deployment: 06.10.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
8061 Product Backlog Item Update Angular from 13 version to 14 version Done


Deployment: 29.09.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7952 Product Backlog Item Show all interesting properties of a OrderPaymentDetail in the partner portal Done
7771 Bug Set a filter on combinedType to not show AdminstrativeArea Done


Deployment: 10.09.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7976 Product Backlog Item Partner portal small improvements Done
7980 Bug Show Done


Deployment: 18.08.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7826 Product Backlog Item Filter the categories in the category picker by tree Done
7868 Bug Assign Role Partner selection improvements and style fixes Done
7841 Bug Partner portal: Paymentdetails open all together Done


Deployment: 11.08.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7775 Bug Some users can not assign/unassign tags Done


Deployment: 28.07.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7629 Product Backlog Item Show the type tree in partner portal Done


Deployment: 07.07.2022

  • Several small stability improvements


Deployment: 16.06.2022

  • General improvements


Deployment: 14.06.2022

  • Several small stability improvements


Deployment: 03.06.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7452 Product Backlog Item Show profile picture in partner portal Done
7457 Bug Bug for exception (System.NullReferenceException) Done
7436 Bug Improve Link Display Format in Partner Portal Done
7416 Bug Unable to delete Review (NullReferenceException) in AuditTrail writing Done


Deployment: 19.05.2022

  • General improvements


Deployment: 12.05.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6767 Product Backlog Item Create reviews in the partner portal Done
7313 Bug Creating tag not showing a success message Done
7317 Bug Error during assigning tag to entity Done
7319 Bug Improve error message in partner portal Done
7298 Bug Partner portal handling improvements Done
7345 Bug Reading address on undefined in template Done
6946 Bug Wrong umlauts in Planet Audittrail Done


Deployment: 05.05.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7254 Bug Event with infinite loop Done


Deployment: 28.04.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7208 Product Backlog Item Adjust the main infocenter navigation Done


Deployment: 21.04.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
7155 Bug Additional property with value type "url" is shown as text in ticket Done
7154 Bug Invalid LatLng object error Done
7150 Bug Show all properties of the review Done


Deployment: 14.04.2022

  • General improvements


Deployment: 01.04.2022

  • In the Person Detail view, it's not visible which identity provider (e.g. Google, Apple, etc.) a user is using.


Deployment: 25.03.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6971 Product Backlog Item Show all ticket information in partner portal Done
6993 Bug Navigation selection doesn't corresponds with routing Done
6992 Bug Send inTimeline equals null in the expert mode of auditTrail Done


Deployment: 19.03.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6924 Product Backlog Item Set the default search results list state filter to published only Done
6940 Bug Add missing properties textTeaser, detailedInformation, isAccessibleForFree, specialOpeningHoursSpecification Done
6901 Bug Content url in Media object is displayed as text Done
6934 Bug Partner portal expanders do not work in Safari on Mac Done


Deployment: 11.03.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6695 Product Backlog Item Add correct merge of ProductVariant images to planet publish Done
6879 Bug add "located" property on civicStructure Done
6864 Bug fallback values on price and quantity in order view Done
6838 Bug show description on imageObject Done
6865 Bug Undefined product on an order Done


Deployment: 03.03.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6742 Product Backlog Item Extend person detail with related tickets & orders Done
6837 Bug Add NumberOfBeds to LodgingBusiness Done
6733 Bug Show geo on products Done


Deployment: 17.02.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6705 Bug Partner service invalid Ticket Token link for 4tix tickets Done
6732 Bug Product variant table broken Done


Deployment: 10.02.2022

  • After this update partners can delete users in state PendingAcceptance.
  • We enabled the option on the guest list to select multiple users and resend the invitation or delete them if the users were in state PendingAcceptance
ID Work Item Type Title State
6622 Product Backlog Item Allow deletion of users with pending acceptance Done
6621 Product Backlog Item Person list edit multiple users Done
6626 Bug Show fees on place and subtypes Done


Deployment: 03.02.2022

  • We enabled the new section Marketplace where partners can see orders of their guests.
ID Work Item Type Title State
6286 Product Backlog Item Show tickets in the partner portal Done
6545 Bug Adjust priceCategoryName and PriceCategoryType Done
6456 Bug Link to the order-mail in the partner portal is not set Done
6579 Bug undefined link for FoodEstablishment in tours Done


Deployment: 28.01.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6089 Product Backlog Item Mark similar entries as "declined" with the Approved relationship flag Done
6588 Bug Show all partner projects in the partner view Done
6578 Bug Show tags on creativWork Done


Deployment: 20.01.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6521 Product Backlog Item Allow partners to define different redirect URLs per role Done
6532 Product Backlog Item Improve the Person views in Partner Portal Done
6091 Product Backlog Item Remove outdated products (offers) automatically from the infocenter Done
6512 Bug Enhance order page view Done
6456 Bug Link to the order-mail in the partner portal is not set Done
6509 Bug Only show my projects in advanced search project filter Done
6513 Bug Show ADDITIONAL TYPE for imageObject in media tab Done
6510 Bug temperature property is missing in the view Done


Deployment: 14.01.2022

ID Work Item Type Title State
6357 Product Backlog Item Create default project during ds_pp role invitation Done
6329 Product Backlog Item Offer Advanced Search options in profile search Done
6486 Bug Show the image of the product variant Done


Deployment: 06.01.2022

  • Improvements in "Administrative Area Tree" view to be able to filter and search on each tree level
ID Work Item Type Title State
6398 Product Backlog Item Change Login filter on Order and Person list Done
6328 Product Backlog Item Customer picker for lists in partner portal Done
6422 Product Backlog Item Improve administrative area tree in partner portal Done
6384 Product Backlog Item Show all properties of Geo data object in the partner portal Done
6424 Bug In the partner portal lists only 1 datasource is shown Done
6435 Bug Invalid StageTour link in Partner Portal Done
6434 Bug Name property for address is missing on webcams Done
6412 Bug Partner Portal: Calender control is so big, that it can't be used Done
6423 Bug Partner portal: Page title disappears on Events Done
6287 Bug The filter in the product list in the partner portal is not working Done


Deployment: 16.12.2021

  • General improvements


Deployment: 10.12.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
6138 Product Backlog Item Improve order view in partner portal Done


Deployment: 02.12.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
6186 Product Backlog Item Improve Role assignment UI Done


Deployment: 26.11.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
6153 Product Backlog Item Add new product properties to the partner portal Done
6185 Bug Adjust StarRating + Checkin- / Checkout-time Done
5978 Bug Default project selection not updated after partner change Done
5894 Bug Similarity / Child relationship section missing on Media- and Subobjects Done


Deployment: 04.11.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
6052 Bug Can't swtich to it or fr in the my portal Done
5970 Bug Link-type is not displayed in partner portal Done


Deployment: 28.10.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5963 Bug Audit Trail UserName filed is empty Done
6027 Bug Remove edit button on project and partner detail page Done
5956 Bug Showing video details Done


Deployment: 28.10.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5963 Bug Audit Trail UserName filed is empty Done
6027 Bug Remove edit button on project and partner detail page Done
5956 Bug Showing video details Done


Deployment: 21.10.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5974 Bug Fix B2C authentication no_tokens_found error Done
5916 Bug landingPage title is not resolved Done
5948 Bug Role is not assigned to user Done
5934 Bug Show properties PriceInformation & TicketingContact in partner portal. Done
5912 Bug User invitation guest accounts Done
5973 Bug Wrong request-partner set based on role assignment Done


Deployment: 14.10.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
3019 Product Backlog Item Change Profile / Password Reset in/from Partner Portal Done
5923 Product Backlog Item Show start and end location on tours in partner portal Done
5893 Bug Add Link (content URL) to Video Object Done
5913 Bug Field 'additionalPropertyValue' is not available for SearchFields Done
5918 Bug Fix advanced filter style Done
5902 Bug Modify the hierarchy of creative work Done
5883 Bug Prod-V2 empty zht logo in nova_zurichcard Done
5917 Bug Restyle user invite button Done


Deployment: 11.10.2021

  • Authentication switch from Azure AD to Azure AD B2C. All existing users will be migrated. For more details see: User
  • Enabled Guest Data List and Detail views. These views will show details of guests who are in a relationship with the current organization.
  • Authorized organizations can invite additional users.
  • Users can belong to multiple organizations and switch the partners within the partner portal .
  • Users can set the default project. Before it was fixed.


Breaking change All infocenter parnter portal URLs will now contain 'infocenter' in the URL. Old saved links will no longer work and needs to be adjusted. For example the new link is: and the old link was:

ID Work Item Type Title State
5408 Product Backlog Item Assign Project to Categories Done
5549 Product Backlog Item Extend Person Detail View and List Done
5853 Product Backlog Item Extend the partner with a redirectUrl after invite Done
5595 Product Backlog Item Improve Partner Portal Role assign & remove Action Done
5278 Product Backlog Item Support for partners to invite users Done
5637 Product Backlog Item Update product detail page design Done
5608 Bug Adjust amenity feature representation Done
5470 Bug Change the ID of elevation tour Photo Done
5847 Bug CreativeWork Region property missing in partner portal Done
5529 Bug If linked object doesn't exists wrong detail page is displayed Done
5593 Bug Page Tab titles are not updated Done
5735 Bug Sort similarity list based on similarity Done
5823 Bug ST Products missing names Done
5491 Bug tag list in add tags Done


Deployment: 27.08.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5532 Bug "wrong dates" in current week tab in Marketplace Done
5519 Bug ADDITIONAL PROPERTY wrong presented Done


Deployment: 20.08.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5513 Bug Select Date "filter" not working Done


Deployment: 13.08.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5392 Product Backlog Item Show all properties of source and provider in the metadata tab Done
5496 Bug Partner Portal returns error and lists are not working Done


Deployment: 06.08.2021

  • Behavior of the tree in the filter tab is updated:
  • selecting or unselecting a parent selects/unselects all children automatically
  • deselecting a child deselects the parent automatically
ID Work Item Type Title State
5306 Product Backlog Item Add the businesstrail endpoint to the partner service Done
4866 Product Backlog Item Behavior when selecting tree-filter values Done
4978 Product Backlog Item Order search-list in partner portal Done
5427 Product Backlog Item Partner portal: Add source to the project view Done
5349 Product Backlog Item Partner Portal: Improve UI for product Done
5445 Bug Properties on product Done
5446 Bug Property "name" is missing Done


Deployment: 22.07.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5407 Product Backlog Item Add soft-delete to the planet Done
5344 Product Backlog Item Be able and test how to reapply changes to the data stored in the AuditTrail of the planet Done
5244 Bug Client exception when querying a not existent category in partner portal Done
5243 Bug Image link infinite loop Done
5319 Bug Improve the behavior in add/remove project in tree-view Done
5331 Bug MediaObject is not linked to event Done
5406 Bug openingHours Property is missing Done
5355 Bug partner portal: Image information shown on the overview tab of detail pages Done
5403 Bug Tags (ProfileTags) are automatically deleted Done
5410 Bug When updating a relationship the audit trail entry is not written in a way it can be displayed in the partner portal Done
5366 Bug Wrong additionalType mapping (tom) Done


Deployment: 15.07.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
3997 Product Backlog Item Collapse (and uncollapse!) vertexes manually in the "find duplicates list" of the Partner portal Done
5188 Product Backlog Item Refactor Profile service and add order detail endpoint Done
5316 Bug endpoint of the partner service do not meet the specification Done
5332 Bug LocalBusiness entity not assigned to project Done


Deployment: 08.07.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5242 Bug Audit trail shows no information (AdministrativeArea) Done
5256 Bug Correct presenting timing in event Done
5290 Bug Incorrect links on Tag items Done


Deployment: 02.07.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5211 Product Backlog Item Add "edit records" to the tree views in partner portal Done
4235 Product Backlog Item Harmonize the planet api models and planet search model Done
5210 Bug GenerateVertex is not updating the vertex even if force=true Done
5216 Bug In the partner portal the tag list is not refreshed after a new Tag is created Done
5199 Bug Invalid LatLng object Done
5232 Bug Only admin areas can be assigned to objects Done
5233 Bug Title Entry Details is not translated Done
5234 Bug Wrong date format and spelling in "Condition" Done


Deployment: 25.06.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
5145 Task Improvements partner portal Done
3997 Product Backlog Item Collapse (and uncollapse!) vertexes manually in the "find duplicates list" of the Partner portal Done
4973 Product Backlog Item Create Profile Search Index and endpoint for the partner portal (partner service) Done
4916 Product Backlog Item Support the user when adding/removing areas to handle all parents correctly Done
5193 Bug Delete events were not handled Done
5171 Bug Deleted event from GDL still available via API Done
5141 Bug Error on List Views Done


Deployment: 18.06.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
4021 Product Backlog Item Assign Project to Tags and AdministrativeAreas Done
5120 Bug Can't open specific Administrative Area Done
5079 Bug Can't open tour "Cannot read property 'id' of undefined Done
5075 Bug Can't remove discover project from eve_wt1_hfhggajaa in dev Done
4217 Bug Connector delete project returns Forbidden Done
5129 Bug Correct Translation of different properties Done
5130 Bug Fix of property name and translation Done
5080 Bug LocalBusiness's property (openinghours) is not updated on the partner portal Done
5057 Bug Returning the facets for selected options Done
5170 Bug Spelling mistake category ch_100214 Done
5134 Bug Wrong partner and project detail pages are loaded Done


Deployment: 11.06.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
4437 Product Backlog Item Add PlanetEventType.ProjectChanged in Planet and reduce Event changed noise in EventGrid Done
4718 Product Backlog Item Show products in the partner portal Done
5056 Bug Creating correction for unexisting variant returns 500 Done
5041 Bug Hotfix: Search delivers Events which are not there anymore Done
4985 Bug PostalcodeAreas do not show their postal code + add time to last change dates Done


Deployment: 04.06.2021

  • The ordering of the media tab was adjusted so that the main image of the datapoint is displayed as the first image in the list.
  • It's now possible to assign and remove regions and categories to datapoints.
ID Work Item Type Title State
4872 Product Backlog Item Add and remove relationships from data vertexes to regions and categories Done
5010 Bug Assigned region from the connectors can't be removed over the partner portal (Forbidden error) Done
5013 Bug Broken pages Done
4954 Bug Ginto data does show an image, but there is nothing in the media tab Done
5041 Bug Hotfix: Search delivers Events which are not there anymore Done
4952 Bug Image urls in partner portal not very "useful" Done
5012 Bug Infinity picture loader Done
4997 Bug Main image should appear as first image in the media tab Done
4870 Bug Planet: Cannot read property '_leaflet_pos' of undefined Done


Deployment: 31.05.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
3923 Product Backlog Item Offer my projects only in the drop down of the partner portal search Done
4898 Bug Administrative Area isn't deleted completely Done
4929 Bug Deleting assigned region returns 404 Done
4924 Bug Failed to extract reference Done
4888 Bug Link Tab relationship approved property isn't set correctly Done
4923 Bug Prod-V2 BadRequest on Add to search index Done
4915 Bug Tag isn't deleted fully Done


Deployment: 20.05.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
4737 Product Backlog Item Adjusting search for similarities service Done
4720 Product Backlog Item Force generate vertex Done
4432 Product Backlog Item Partner portal v1 "fixes" Done
4755 Bug Adjust vertex collapsed audit trail entry in Partner Portal Done
4753 Bug Admin Tree doesn't filter single document vertex Done
4749 Bug Change Other relationship partner destination Done
4894 Bug Exception in ChangeFeed -> Planet create or update Done
4896 Bug Exception in get vertex children Done
4774 Bug Get My Projects returns 500 internal server error Done
4743 Bug Grow DataGovernance by merging logo and partner again and again Done
4670 Bug Improve search handling when switching between pages Done
4736 Bug Invalid Tag can be opened Done
4742 Bug Invalid url should route back to start page Done
4708 Bug Name property isn't serialized correctly Done
4754 Bug Open child documents redirect Done
4757 Bug Planet AuditTrail is not sufficient Done
4865 Bug Planet doesn't delete object completely Done
4748 Bug Planet server error during data import Done
4711 Bug Search endpoint returns more results than expected Done
4756 Bug Single OUA Document contains Ginto Link Done
4758 Bug The collapse does not handle "publish" correctly Done
4823 Bug webcam image link is wrong Done


Deployment: 30.04.2021

  • We have added the partner profile where you can see all your partner information, projects, and terms and conditions. On the project detail page, all the project publish rules are displayed which defines which data is automatically included in the projects.
ID Work Item Type Title State
4692 Product Backlog Item Change tag handling in partner portal to the new design of Sandi Done
4448 Product Backlog Item Show the Partner profile & projects in the partner portal Done


Deployment: 23.04.2021

ID Work Item Type Title State
4672 Bug App breaks if partnerAcronim null or undefined Done
4683 Bug App can't handle a lot of relationships (more than 500) Done
4666 Bug Campaign tag selection is missing Done
4623 Bug Partner Portal: projects assigned by default do not appear till you press reset Done
4659 Bug Selection of item by url in Category Tree Done


Deployment: 20.04.2021

  • Lists, filters and advanced search were adjusted specifically for each object type to improve the usage of the list
  • The Link of a detail view contains the selected tab. With this change it's possible to open a detail view with the correctly selected tab.
  • The advanced search on events contains a date range picker to better filter events in the list
  • A new page to view the category tree is added
  • A new page to view the administrative area tree is added
ID Work Item Type Title State
4133 Product Backlog Item Adjust lists type specific Done
4621 Product Backlog Item Extend routing with detail page selected tab Done
4598 Product Backlog Item Implement the notifications according to the new design Done
4451 Product Backlog Item Partner portal: Show Administrative Areas as a tree Done
4452 Product Backlog Item Partner portal: show Category tree Done
4656 Bug Detailed view back button doesn't work Done
4594 Bug The last table page can't be reached on "All" list page Done


Deployment: 13.04.2021

  • We added a landing page for all unauthorized users
ID Work Item Type Title State
4551 Product Backlog Item Implement the landing page Done
3817 Product Backlog Item Show "other relationships" of entities in the partner portal detail views Done
4589 Bug Add Tag Modal campaign filter issue Done
4547 Bug Detail page for invalid object can be opened Done
4565 Bug Fix the modal overflow Done
4567 Bug Region search doesn't work Done
4568 Bug Tour stage links missing in links tab Done


Deployment: 27.03.2021

  • List performance improvements. Sometimes the loading stuck for a few seconds before the list of objects was displayed correctly. This should now be fixed with same additional performance improvements in the partner portal.
  • Add missing properties on some detail pages
ID Work Item Type Title State
4472 Product Backlog Item Add a sample to the create Tag page Done
4330 Product Backlog Item Add license and update DataGovernance in partner portal Done
3785 Product Backlog Item Category Detail Page Done
3813 Product Backlog Item Changes to the AdministrativeArea Detail Page Done
4403 Bug Modal window goes off-screen Done
4407 Bug Show translation with big text Done

Go live of the partner portal

Deployment: 26.02.2021