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The following describes the constraints of source data providers per data feed. These requirements must be met when published in the Destination App's or provided by the platform APIs. These requirements are part of the contract.


When using SchweizMobil data, the following terms of use must be observed:

The terms of use for the route geometries are:

  • The geodata from SchweizMobil's Wanderland, Veloland, Mountainbikeland, Skatingland are available as Open Government Data (OGD) and can therefore be used freely. The provisions are based on the Geoinformation Regulation (GeoIV, Art. 21).
  • The geodata on Hindernisfreien Wegen, Kanuland, Winterwandern, Schneeschuhwandern, Langlaufen, Schlitteln are available as open data and can therefore be used freely. The geodata is currently not covered by the Geoinformation Regulation (GeoIV, Art. 21).
  • Creative Commons License: CC BY (Open use. Must provide the source: It is therefore mandatory to state the source: “Bundesamt für Strassen, Kanton, SchweizMobil”).


The information from SchweizMobil about the officially signaled routes may not be included other, for example user-generated routes. A distinction must be made between SchweizMobil routes and other routes (e.g. on websites).

The following terms of use apply:

  • The terms of use for texts (including form of mobility, route facts, etc.) Creative Commons License: CC-BY-SA (with the exception of the photos) - it is therefore mandatory to provide information about the source: “SchweizMobil”.
  • The data may only be included with a link to the corresponding route/stage on SchweizMobil.
  • The data may be enriched by the data recipient (e.g. additional photos, texts etc.).

The terms of use for photos are:

  • The photos may only be used in the context of the SchweizMobil routes.
  • It is therefore mandatory to provide information about the source: “SchweizMobil”.
  • Where possible, the data must be accompanied by a link to the corresponding route/stage on SchweizMobil.

The terms of use for brand logos are:

  • Any use of the SchweizMobil brand logos requires the approval of the SchweizMobil.
  • The logos can usually be used for free products with information about SchweizMobil. For commercial-use products Schweiz Mobil will create an offer.
  • The SchweizMobil logos are protected by copyright.
  • The SchweizMobil logos may not be changed or added to.
  • The right of use only applies to the purpose listed in the application.
  • The data must be deleted after use for the purpose listed in the application.


Service providers who use the slow-traffic-data from SchweizMobil provided by must have a separate contract for the use of the data and the data interface of SchweizMobil. Contact via

chm logo


When handling OutdoorActive data, the following guideline must be observed:

As soon as initial content is published, OutdoorActive is happy to support direct feedback on the implementation. Contact via

Reference example OutdoorActive also mentions the implementation of Flims / Laax as a reference example:

outdooractive reference example outdooractive author example outdooractive logo

<a href="//www.outdooractive. style="margin-right:20px"
 title="Diese Webseite nutzt Technologie und Inhalte der Outdooractive Plattform.">
 <img src="//" alt="outdooractive" />
 Diese Webseite nutzt Technologie und Inhalte der Outdooractive Plattform.


Guidle generally calls for the name of "Guidle" with the reference to This does not have to appear in the individual display. Regarding form, Guidle does not set any specifications. For the optional display, Guidle provides the logo:

guidle logo

<a href="//"
   title="Diese Webseite nutzt Inhalte der Guidle Plattform.">
 <img src="<Guidle Image>" alt="Guidle" />
 Diese Webseite nutzt Inhalte der Guidle Plattform.


There are no requirements regarding the publication of the TOMAS data. In principle, the data belongs to the client (for example "Tourism Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG" or "TESSVM AG").

For consistency with source references from other data sources, mentions the tenant that must be displayed by the destinations as the source hint for TOMAS data.

touristdatashop logo

<a href=""
   title="Diese Webseite nutzt Inhalte von Engadin Scuol-Zernez.">
 <img src="<Engadin Scuol-Zernez Image>" alt="Engadin Scuol-Zernez" />
 Diese Webseite nutzt Inhalte von Engadin Scuol-Zernez.

Swiss Activities

Offers from Swiss Activities can be used from the Infocenter. For data usage, the Source Partner as well as the canonical-tag must always be added. For example like this:

swiss activities logo

<a rel=canonical href=""
   title="Diese Webseite nutzt Inhalte von Swiss Activities">
 <img src="<Swiss Activities Image>" alt="Swiss Activities" />
 Diese Webseite nutzt Inhalte von Swiss Activities.


STnet logo

  • In the case of using data from STnet, the source must be indicated with a link to
<a href=""
   title="Diese Webseite nutzt Inhalte von">
 <img src="<STnet Image>" alt="STnet" />
 Diese Webseite nutzt Inhalte von

Image bibliography

Just like data sources, images must also be properly cited. The bibliography may contain the following information:

  • Author given name + author family name + source name
  • Author given name + author family name (if source name is missing)
  • Provider name (if all above is missing) provides the media service to make this easier. Find more details in our how-to-docs topics.

Bibliography example: Bibliography sample