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How to query pdf in the infocenter


The data which is accessible in infocenter API can be retrieved in pdf format.. To request a pdf it is necessary to set up Accept header with value application/pdf. Pdf template depends on project which was queried in the request.


Max count of documents requested for DPF should be less or equal to 50.


Not all of the endpoints support Accept application/pdf header for now. Endpoints which don't support pdf result will ignore this header and return regular data


Currently, only the search result can be retrieved as PDF. To request PDF file with search results it is necessary to provide search request parameters to one of the search pdf endpoints. It is also required to provide project and template properties. Where project is the name of the project which template is necessary to use, and template is the name of the template of provided partner.

Available search endpoints:

  • /search/pdf/{project}/{template}


    "project": "grf-chur",
    "type": "Event",
    "filters": [
        "schedule/any(item: item/startDate le 2022-04-03T00:00:00+02:00 or item/endDate ge 2022-03-31T00:00:00+02:00)"
    "orderBy": "nextOccurrence asc, recurredCount asc",
    "facets": []


PDF structured from 3 parts: header, footer and body. For each of them have separate templete in html format. Templates could be different for any supported endpoint and for any supported project.

How to upload your templates

Get in contact with us and we will provide a template for your project.


default: de-CH

Language: Based on the Accept-Language header localized properties are translated in the pdf response.