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ValidationMessage object

Property Type Description
level string Info, Warning, ValidationError, Error
message string message in the current language
orderItemNumber string if error related to the order-item then this property will contain number of that order item
source string containse sorce of validation error, which could be one of [order, orderedItem, person, terms]

existing order validation messages

This is a list of validation messages which can occur when an order gets validated:

message description solution
ordered_item_absent orderedItem list does not exist or is empty add order items
orderitem_product_incorrect product absent or product's fields Sku or(and) SupplierAcronym are empty setup correct product
person_family_name_absent familyName of person/customer is absent add a family name to the person in the profile
person_given_name_absent givenName of person/customer is absent add a given name to the person in the profile
person_email_absent e-mail is missing set up email
person_gender_incorrect Gender is not one of the following values"Female", "Male", "Diverse" set correct value or null
order-not-in-state-to-use-move-to can not apply a "put" in the current state of the order check the order state and may create a new order. Most likely it's a bug on the client side process (timing).
order-not-in-state-to-initPayment can not apply a "initPayment" in the current state of the order check the order state and may create a new order. Most likely it's a bug on the client side process (timing).
order-not-in-state-to-delete can not delete the order in the current state of the order check the order state and may create a new order. Most likely it's a bug on the client side process (timing).
productconfiguration_valid_from _date_too_far_in_future Item ordered for a date so far in the future it is not yet supported by the provider book earlier date or wait with booking till tickets become available
productconfiguration_traveler _has_min_age_for_ticket traveler is so young that he/she doesn't need a ticket order no ticket for this traveler
CannotMoveOrderToState error while transfer order from one state to another check the order state and may create a new order
orderitem_quantity_with_travelers_incorrect orderQuantity not equal to count(orderedItem.traveler) set correct value to orderQuantity or correct count of travelers
orderitem_quantity_without_travelers_incorrect error while placing an order change order quantity. Provided value is not alowed
productconfiguration_valid_from_date_missing error while placing an order provide ValidFrom date in the request
productconfiguration_valid_from_date_in_past error while placing an order change ValidFrom date so it will be in the future
productconfiguration_valid_from_date_too_far_in_future error while placing an order change ValidFrom date so it will be not too far in the future
productconfiguration_traveler_has_min_age_for_ticket error while placing an order remove ticket for this traveller from request
Required The field is required fill in defined field in the request
StringMinMaxLength The field must be a string with a minimum length of range min and a maximum length of range max correct value
StringMaxLength The field must be a string with a minimum length of range min correct value
BirthDate Date of birth should be greater than 1.1.1900 and lower than current date correct value
InvalidEmail Provided value is not a valid e-mail address correct value
RegexValue The field must match the regular expression regular expression correct value
RangeMinMax The field must be between range min and range max correct value
not_allowed_string Provided string is not allowed correct value
TermCodeRequired Term code is required add a correct Term code
PaymentWasAlreadyInitialized Payment was already initialized don't need initialize payment process again
BodyAndUrlDifferentTermCode Term code differs between request body and url set same term code in the body and url
InitPaymentDataRequestWasNotValid InitPaymentDataRequest wasn't valid correct InitPaymentDataRequest see "initialize payment" on How to work with the marketplace
ErrorInPayment Error while processing payment try again or call support
AllOrderItemsFulfillmentError All order items are in the state of FulfillmentError check orders error
NoDeliveredOrderItem There is no delivered OrderItem in the order check order item states. They should be either in FulfillmentError or still InTransit state
TermCodeWasNotAccepted Term with code term code wasn't accepted by user accept defined term code and try again
PaidDataRequestNull PaidDataRequest cannot be null provide PaidDataRequest within request
MissingPaymentId PaymentId must be provided provide PaymentId within request
MissingAuthorizationHeader Authorization header cannot be empty set up authorization header
MissingRefreshTokenHeader "refresh-token" header cannot be empty set up refresh-token header
InvalidRefreshToken Invalid refresh token try to log out and log in again
InvalidOrExpiredRefreshToken Invalid or expired refresh token try to log out and log in again
OrderCannotBeNull Order cannot be null check request order if it appears again call support
MissingB2CId B2CId is missing try to log out and log in again
MissingB2CUser Azure B2C user is missing try to log out and log in again
EmptyProductPriceList Price list for product cannot be empty call support
NoPriceForAge No price configured for the following product-traveler age combination call support
OrderCannotBePaid Order can't be paid at the moment check order state
MissingOrderItem OrderedItem is not set for the ordered item call support
MissingProduct The Product is not set for order item call support
MissingProductAmount Amount is not set for item call support
MissingItemQuantity Quantity is not set for item call support
PaymentNoCharge Can't transfer payment with no charges call support
PaymentMoreThan1Charge Can't transfer payment with more than 1 charge call support
OrderNotInStateToAcceptTerms Order not in a state to accept term check order state
TermCodeWasNotFoundInOrder Given TermCode wasn't found in order change TermCode to one of the code from current order
TicketFileTypeNotImplemented Ticket file upload for provided file type currently not implemented Select one of supported file type (Ticket, QrCode, Html)
WrongCountryCode Given country code wasn't recognized as valid one set correct country code
WrongLanguageCode Given language code wasn't recognized as valid one set correct language code
WrongMaritalStatus Given marital status wasn't recognized as valid one set correct marital status
WrongGender Given gender wasn't recognized as valid one set correct gender
error_in_order_processing_occured Some error occurred while processing the order check other errors in response
WrongReduction The indication for the discount is not valid set correct reduction
WrongSalutation Given salutation wasn't recognized as valid one set correct salutation
WrongConsumedService Partner consumed services doesn't contain required service call support
OrderItemPreFulfillementError Something wrong happend during the pre-booking of the order item try replaced failed order item with new one